Friday, 20 January 2017

Importance of Having a Hobby

A hobby is the activity that one enjoys doing in the leisure time. It gives us pleasure, and also physical and mental peace. We pursue a hobby that fits our interest, mental state, personality and budget.

Inculcating a hobby not only helps us spend our spare time, but if we closely observe we will discover that our hobbies help us build certain skills within us, which help us in other areas as well.

Say for instance if we have a hobby of painting it also proves to be beneficial to us when we are working for our class-wall-magazine or working on an assignment of biology where we need a lot of drawing skills. A hobby is not just an inclination but a constant and systematic process. It is not too difficult to inculcate a hobby as it does not need much effort, since we usually choose those activities as our hobby which we love to do. Indulging in such activities enhances our thought process, physical skills and mental abilities. This way we let ourselves release the creativity within us. Studies revealed that those who indulge in some kind of hobbies are less likely to suffer from anxieties, depression negative feelings etc. 

Given below are some of the reasons why having a hobby is important:

* It can be a life-long pleasure – Our hobbies can be very important aspects of our lives and may become our second nature. So we should see that we choose something fruitful as our hobby and in the long run it will benefit us.
* It is a chance to connect to ourselves – Through our hobbies we explore ourselves, it is our private time when we enjoy being ourselves. At times it gives us a different identity and a different meaning to life. 
* It gives us an alternative career option – Many people have made their favorite hobby their career, and have flourished. When you love what you do and do what you love, you will never get frustrated of your work and there will be brighter scope to excel in whatever you do.
* It could be a remedy to stress – When you are stressed or over-worked, spending time doing your favorite activity de-stresses the mind. You can feel the difference in your energy level and spirit.
* It gives us chance to meet people of similar taste – While procuring materials or equipments for your hobby you might come across people who pursue the same hobby you may get to know a lot from such people and it’s a great way to meet people.
* It gives us a chance to share – Different hobbies enable us to share our experience. It gives us a reason to reach out to and share our knowledge with others. For instance the hobbies like music, theatre, art, etc. lets us share the fine experience of the arts with the world.

Our hobby is a great way to discover and re-discover our talents; we should not only indulge in a hobby for spending our free time but try to pursue a hobby so that it benefits us in the long run.

 University of Science & Technology Meghalaya is one of the top Universities in Northeast India. USTM have under graduate programs as well as post graduate programs. PhD programs of USTM are one of the most renowned in Northeast India.  We also have Engineering programs, BA LLB, PG, MBA, B.Ed. & LLB programs among others. USTM Seminars & Placement in USTM is one of the best in entire Northeast India.

Friday, 6 January 2017

Socializing in the Age of Social Media

We humans are social animals, whether we are the introvert type or the extrovert type, deep within we always look for a suitable company to share our thoughts, ideas, feelings and emotions. There was a time few years back when socializing meant people coming together to see each other, spending time with each other, going out to play, hanging out together in groups at the same place in the same time; probably if we ask our parents they can better share their experience of how they used to connect with people at a time when there was no instant messaging facility, forget calling them and seeing them live on your mobile phones or desktops.  
We consider ourselves lucky enough to belong to the age of the World Wide Web and more…the age of social media. We can easily find long lost friends, can instantly talk and chat with people, even see what and how they are spending their lives, let them know about our whereabouts, also follow our favorite social figures, know about the latest happenings of their lives and so on. This way our world has widened. And we feel so close to the lives of the people we are fond of. We can easily get updated with information about their lives and share our own status, feelings and emotions all virtually.
The ways and techniques of socializing have changed through times and so did our habits. But the feelings of meeting our near and dear ones face-to-face, their physical presence, makes a lot of difference. We must keep in mind that the social media way of socializing is just a way to make our lives easier at times when we have difficulties to reach out to people; it’s not the sole way to socialize. There is no doubt on the immense advantages of using various social media platforms, but we should analyze ourselves if in this process we are losing our skills of interpersonal communication. Hanging out with friends and making memories, actually getting together and talking to them gives the real satisfaction and is a more effective form of communication. On the contrary through social media no matter how fast we can connect with people living far away from us or people whom we barely know in person, there is still a virtual space that exists which cannot fulfill the place of a real friend.  At times, this virtual world may push us into a form of social anxiety as we are updated with too much of information of people enjoying the luxuries of life, travelling around the world, etc. making us perceive that we are living a rather dull and unsuccessful life. This is not a reality but an illusion which we start to accept unconsciously. This is the point we should realize that we are socializing too much on social media and we need to get a real life with real friends.  
Staying updated with the latest trends and technologies is always good but we should keep analyzing if we are not losing something in this run. Using social media platforms in moderation and balancing our real and virtual world is necessary to stay happy and satisfied.

University of Science & Technology Meghalaya is one of the top Universities in Northeast India. USTM have under graduate programs as well as post graduate programs. PhD programs of USTM are one of the most renowned in Northeast India.  We also have Engineering programs, BA LLB, PG, MBA, B.Ed. & LLB programs among others. USTM Seminars & Placement in USTM is one of the best in entire Northeast India.